

The SignedFetch module provides an implementation of the fetch interface that automatically includes additional verification headers. Servers can use these to check the authenticity of the operation.

The procedures for signing and verifying this request are detailed in the authentication chain page.

Using SignedFetch from a scene requires the USE_FETCH permission.

Automatic Headers #

The added headers contain the information the server needs to validate the request signature. In practice, this means the signed fields that are not represented in the HTTP request itself, plus the authentication chain public keys.

  • X-Identity-Timestamp: the timestamp field included in the signed payload.
  • X-Identity-Metadata: the metadata field included in the signed payload.
  • X-Identity-AuthChain-<index>: the JSON-serialized authentication step <index>, starting from 0.

From the scene’s point of view, this is all transparently handled by the runtime, which can request use of the Explorer’s delegate key.

Authorization and Verification #

To authorize the request, construct the following payload and sign it as described in the authentication chain specification. On the server side, verify as specified as well.

const payloadFields = [
  // The HTTP method, such as "GET" or "POST":
  // The request pathname (URL without domain, query or hash)

  // A client-chosen timestamp for this request, which the server can examine:

  // Additional data that can be included for verification or security:

const payload = payloadFields.join(":").toLowerCase()

Methods #

signedFetch #

Make an HTTP request as you would with (fetch), automatically adding the verification headers.

interface Request {
  // The request target URL:
  url: string

  // Optional, self-explanatory parameters for the request:
  init?: {
    method?: string
    body?: string
    headers: { [key: string]: string }

interface Response {
  // Whether the HTTP request was performed successfully (codes other than 2xx are not failures)
  ok: boolean

  // The self-explanatory details of the response:
  status: number
  statusText: string
  headers: { [key: string]: string }
  body: string

function signedFetch(Request): Promise<Response>